Reidsville High Backpack Program
When kids don’t have enough food in their homes, they can’t do as well in school. We’ve partnered with Reidsville High School to help fill their food pantry, enabling hungry students to receive a backpack full of food each week. Donate items listed below to our collection bin in the narthex. We drop off donations once a month.
Beanie Weenies
Canned vegetables
Fruit cups
Fruit snacks
Granola bars
Individual size bags of chips
Individual size canned spaghetti/ravioli
Individual size cereal boxes
Individual size packs of crackers with cheese/cookies (6 pack)
Instant nonfat dry milk (individual packs)
Instant oatmeal
Instant potatoes
Juice boxes
Multigrain bars
Pudding cups
Rice Krispie Treats
Small boxes of cereal or cereal in bowls
Snack cakes
Vienna sausage