We are young, we are old.

We are conservative, we are progressive.

We are not one thing. Instead, we are filled with seekers who look beyond labels, who value diversity of thought, who dive deep into our faith, and who serve our community in love.

We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. This is the foundation for who we are as a community, and it may also be one of the only things we can all agree on. Presbyterians are a denomination of Christians rooted in the Reformed Tradition, which is to say we are connected to the reformation movements of the 1500s. Today it means that we continue to reform - we explore what it means to be Christians in the world in which we live, we look for God’s voice still speaking, we look for the Holy Spirit to guide us. We are also a confessional church - we use historical confessions of faith to ground us in how peoples have understood God’s call throughout time, that we might be better prepared for our own discernment. But the single principle that grounds us is Jesus.

We value diversity of thought. One of the core principles of Presbyterians is that “God alone is Lord of the conscience,” which means that we won’t tell you what or how to believe - that’s up to you in your personal faith journey. If you have questions about faith, we’re here to walk beside you, but we’ll never prescribe a particular kind of faith.

We believe in equity. Leadership in our church is shared by the people. The pastor has specific duties, but most of the work of the church is done by the church members. The congregation elects elders to serve on our governing board (the Session) for three year terms. Any member of the church can be elected to serve as they feel led - men and women, young and old, gay and straight, rich and poor, conservative and liberal; God calls all to service in the church and beyond.

We are ecumenical. Though we treasure the tenants of our denomination, we welcome many who grew up outside of the Presbyterian tradition. We also cooperate with other faith traditions in service to the community because we believe that God calls us all to love and serve our neighbors.

If you have more questions about what we believe, speak with our pastor, Rev. Wes Pitts.

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